Do I like 80s synth? As 10CC would say, I don't like them, I love them. Well, when it's done right like when Neocognitron does it.
"Hyperstealth", the title track, embodies what this album is all about. It starts with a nice percussion and synthesizer loop combo. Soon, "player 2" (aka another synthesizer) joins in and grounds the tune with some well chosen low pitched chords. Of course, after a while, you need a little break before re-boarding the synthesizer train.
The standout tracks in this album are without a doubt (and according to my own me) "Optical Sensor Array" and "Hyperstealth".
Some of the tracks (I am thinking "Soul Stream Enhance" and "Accelerated Molecular Dispersion" to name them) didn't do that much for me (Nice tunes in their own right but they don't really have that "wow" effect that I am always looking for.) I used to listen to an album a lot more before spewing out a review but these days, I just don't have the time or devotion to do it. As you know, the more you listen to a tune, the more you usually like it. What I am trying to say is that if I were listen to the album a few more times, I am sure those tracks would sound a lot better (I guarantee it.)
If you want to know a lot more about Neocognitron and its philosophy about making music, check out Neocognitron's epic post on Reddit.