Saturday, August 4, 2012

There is no place like home by Buried Redshoes

"Buried Redshoes" is a musical duo from Italy, Syracuse, to be exact. They seem to be fond of crafty melodies and this wonderful instrument that is the glockenspiel. The melodic lines are airy, often supported by a soft downtempo beat. Apparently, it's a clever mix of "real" instruments and electronics.

The album opens with "A white chair", which I think gives you a good idea of things to come in the album, aptly named "There is no place like home". There are ten instrumentals in this album of twelve. Two tracks have a guest vocalist, the last two, but they are reprises of two instrumental tracks. They are nice additions to the album as some kind of bonus tracks.

My favorite track is probably "Where do we go from here", although it kinda suffers from Bandcamp's 128 kbps mp3 compression and it's a bit on the short side. The tracks on this album are pretty much all equally strong and I don't really have anything bad to say. The only thing that bothers me a little is that the album is stream-able but doesn't seem to be downloadable, which is kinda odd. Maybe the release date of "01 January 2013" is not a typo after all. Go figure!